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In an effort to remain current, I will add weekly content, typically on the weekends. This blog represents the creative side of my twisted mind. Most posts will be a collection of material I have worked on over the years. Newer content will appear as excerpts from larger documents. The entire gamut of my work will be for sale in future dates.

Currently, plays and poems have been a main focus of creativity. A project named "Phantasmagoria" landed in my lap recently. I have been rigorously working on an opening scene, but not quite sure how to go about it. It is a noir detective story involving the supernatural in a post-apocalyptic future setting. It has been my motto not to engage in works that are too fantastical -- but “Phantasmagoria” feels like a good challenge. The typical structure that I like relies on what humans are capable of doing to each other, and it can get ugly, quick.

And remember, you are important – do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

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